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Protect your company’s valuable data against increasing threats and ensure compliance with data protection regulations.
We’ll take a look at your security needs, advise on frameworks, and help you use best practices so your business is in the best position should you ever face a cyber-attack.
A security incident and event management tool that monitors alerts and identifies potential threats across your business's IT estate. If a threat is detected, the cyber team investigates any alerts to figure out cyber-attacks.
Quick responses to any cyber incidents to ensure a smooth recovery. Our cyber services are supported by a team of experts and insurance-approved providers that can help your business recover from a cyber incident.
Endpoint protection from cyber-attacks for all of your devices. Work at ease knowing your IT environment and cloud services are protected from cyber-attacks.
Consolidates data from across your IT estate, detects cyber threats, and helps you respond in a timely and effective way. Sentinel will help you with data collection, clever threat intelligence, and analysis of data to detect threats with AI and Automation.
Our Cyber Care services range from Cyber Essentials certification and penetration testing to identity management services and security operations.
If you want to better understand your cyber preparedness…
If you need to evidence of your cyber preparedness for shareholders, auditors, and customers...
If your last cyber security audit exposes some gaps and you want to get them closed...
If you want someone to take responsibility for your identity management operations - making joiner/mover/leaver changes...
If you want someone to take responsibility for monitoring your IT estate and respond to cyber threats as they arise...
… Get in touch with our team today.