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What is your role here at TSG & how do you support our customers?
I have held various positions in TSG, joining as Technical Consultancy Manager, then progressing through to my current role of Chief Technology Officer.
I have enjoyed the challenges each role has presented and although varied they have all been client-driven which I am very enthusiastic about. A key part of my role is to help TSG, and our customers navigate and leverage the ever-changing landscape of technology. As the market releases new products and features on an ever-increasing frequency, this can leave organisations struggling to keep up and take advantage.
Tell us a little bit about your professional work history and the most important things you learned about building strong partnerships with customers
I have been fortunate to have spent the past 24 years of my career in customer facing roles. I have learned over this time that to build strong partnerships with customers it comes down to basic principles; be trusted, always do the right thing by our customers, and be dependable, stand by your word and actions. Getting the basics right is the foundation for a strong long-lasting partnership.