Microsoft Power Platform

Adapt your business for the future with a tailored combination of powerful applications

Build Your Own Solutions Without the Cost of Complex Bespoke

Streamline Processes:

Plug functionality gaps in a simple, low-code/no-code manner, without having to maintain any new bespoke or 3rd-party systems. 

Combine Applications for Specific Needs:

Analyse data with Power BI, build solutions with Power Apps, automate processes with Power Automate, and create virtual agents with Power Virtual Agents. 

Backed by a Powerful Data Platform:

Underpinning all these applications is Microsoft Dataverse. 

Make the Most of Your Financial Data:

Analyse your data and gain insights to act on your data by highlighting key business problems to solve and determine a plan to evaluate insights post deployment.

Act on Your Data:

Build apps to solve for key business pain points on Dataverse.

Automate Your Data:

Create workflows that infuse desktop and AI automation to remove manual workflows and allow for productivity like never before.

Microsoft Power Apps

Build Your Own Applications with Minimal Effort with Power Apps

Power Apps makes it simple to build your own applications for your business. As a low-code/no-code platform, you’ll be able to take charge of your own solutions management, building applications that can solve problems exactly how you need them to for your organisation. Better yet, you can get started quickly with prebuilt templates, drag and drop features and deploy quickly as you continue to improve your apps based on feedback. 

Interested in working with TSG? Speak to us today!