Salespeople who deliver great numbers are generally forgiven for being useless with paperwork. Others (who don’t deliver great numbers) may not be so lucky. Either way - if a customer isn’t paying – or the auditor wants to see supporting paperwork - it is often the Finance team that is left scrabbling around trying to lay their hands on the relevant paperwork.
Many Finance teams have procedures in place to try to avoid this situation – they document processes and deliver mandatory training to try to ensure that a copy of every customer contract is saved somewhere. The problem with that approach is simple. Most businesses don’t confirm compliance. Do you?
The problem isn’t limited to customer contracts. “Side letters” are another issue. What do you do if a customer claims that they agreed something special in writing with a salesperson who has since left?
Not being able to find paperwork can just be embarrassing and very time consuming. However – it can also complicate disputes and erode goodwill. Document Management Software can help solve this problem – but if often expensive to licence and implement – and still requires user adoption.
How Can TSG Help?
TSG has taken a different approach. If we look after your Office 365 licence – ask us to implement Mosaic. Mosaic will take a copy of and index every email attachment that your employees send to your customers. When someone says “show me the contract” you’ll only have one place to go.